

One month til Breaking Dawn Part 1 is in theaters! I realize I am posting this mostly to myself but that's ok... I'm ok with that. I fully plan to go the the theater all by myself the Friday it opens right after work. I'm looking forward to treating myself!

On other notes, we had a pleasant first half of the weekend. We went to a local farm and did the pick your own pumpkin thing. That was the first time I have ever done something like that. Matthew rode a pony, Cali sat on a pony and looked disgusted. I took pictures. I will post pictures.

I took pictures with my handy little Kodak fancy pants digital camera/video camera. There are different file settings for picture taking and apparently I had it on the best photo setting, which renders very good photos however they are like 2 or 3 mb in size, which is not really post friendly or even great for sending to Snapfish. So I have to figure out how to compress the picture files so they will send better. Sorry to bore you with that explanation of why pictures are not accompanying this very post. I barely know enough about that kind of stuff so if anyone has tips for me that would be fabulous!

The second half of our weekend started off badly around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night. I was just getting in to bed when Cali began screaming bloody murder. So I went upstairs to check on her and bless her heart she was throwing up. This went on for most of the night. Every time I would get back to sleep, the poor little dear would get sick again. So, needless to say, neither she nor I got much sleep. Sunday was more of the same with a little more sleep mingled in. She stopped getting sick around noon but still wouldn't eat anything and still ran a fever. Monday morning she still looked like she didn't feel well and by then I didn't feel well so she and I took a sick day to get better. She was definately back to 100% by yesterday evening. Today my stomach is doing flip flops but I'm at work, trudging through.

Adele is on the radio. She has a wonderful voice doesn't she. I do not have one of her cd's. Maybe I should think about purchasing one. Evanescence released a new album last week. I really need to get that. I've been awaiting that one a long time.

Well, I guess that's enough for this post. I have been visiting other blogs and seeing what people do with their little space on the internet and I'm thinking of attempting to broaden my horizons, exercise my writing skills; I really like to write and I think somewhere in me there is a lot to say. Now, whether people really want to read what I have to say remains to be seen. But this is a hobby I may want to pursue for now.

Winter projects: decorating the kiddos rooms and making them more personal to them. Matthew has requested we remove the spare bed from his room. Not sure what we will do with the spare bed; however, that would definately make more room for his toys so they aren't cluttering up the house. Anyway, I'm brainstorming about color schemes and funky little touches to give the kids' room and what-not. Exciting!

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