Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. The weather was beautiful! We spent a lot of time out by the fire pit on Saturday. I also set a personal goal of getting all my laundry put up.
Laundry: I’m very good when I do laundry about sorting it all out and folding and putting away towels and wash clothes. In the bathroom we also have a small set of those plastic drawers to hold the kids’ pj’s undies and socks because their bedrooms are upstairs and it is just more practical to store that stuff in the laundry area/bathroom. So when doing laundry, about 50% -60% of it automatically gets put in a proper place of sorts. Mine and Jim’s clothes also get sorted out and stacked in the laundry/bathroom area and rarely do we make the time to put up our own piles of laundry so they build and build into these precarious towers of tottering clothes. So Saturday I determined to not only do several loads of laundry but also to put away my tower. And I achieved my goal!
Weekend Randoms: Jim’s dad came down for a visit and to go to an auction with Jimmie on Saturday morning. So they went to that and took the kids with them so I had the house to myself until around 2:30ish on Saturday… got to sleep in and everything… pleasure!
Sunday we got up way early because my children did not seem to recognize that our clocks read any differently… drat! But it was good to get up early because we had a breakfast at our church to get to. It does seem that our church is on a really good track right now… we had a wonderful time having breakfast and fellowship with our church family and then Sunday School… our Sunday School class, which I’ve greatly enjoyed in the past but had sort of gone south for a while there, is finally back on the upswing as well. I enjoy our discussions in that class. Church was great… pizza place after dinner was great… nap time was excellent! Here’s a little bit more about what’s going on with the kiddos…
Matthew… last night at bedtime, he decided that he’d like to try sleeping in underwear instead of a pull-up. After talking about it for a little bit, I decided yes we could try that. So I switched him to the bed that has a plastic protector on the mattress and changed sheets and put as few blankets as possible on his bed, fully expecting to have to wash all his bedding later today. But he stayed dry! And in fact got up in the middle of the night to go potty! So that was exciting! So proud of my sweet boy! He is such a little sweetie pie. Last week when we ran out of candy at our trunk or treat, Matthew was sitting in the back of our car, handing out candy out of his own candy bucket! Who does that? How sweet was that!
Cali is totally rocking the potty training thing! She even got up from her nap yesterday to go #2 in the potty… big steps for her! She has had very few accidents in the last 2 weeks we’ve been working with her… I think she’s got it! So exciting! And so wonderful to not have to change yucky diapers/pull ups. Her 3rd Birthday is Sunday! She is looking very much forward to celebrating her special day!
Pray/Worry/Pray/Worry - it's a vicious cycle: We have a hearing this Thursday at 1:00 and it’s kind of a big deal… I’m very nervous and worried about it. Please say a prayer for us and everyone involved in the kids’ case at that time if you think of us… thanks you so much!
What's on my tv: (thank goodness for DVR!) Loving the new show on Sunday night on ABC, Once Upon a Time… if you love fairytale characters you’ll love it too.. It’s a smart show and pretty different from most things out there…
2 weeks ago
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