I learned a new trick! Click "Keep Reading" to find out what it is! lol
Well... that's it... that's the trick. I know it's not a new trick to lots of people, but it's new to me and I'm always excited when I learn something new!
Anyways... we had so much fun at Trunk or Treat last night! Matthew had the most fun I think because he just ran around and had a great time collecting candy and also we had a bouncy house that he loved to hop in when he wasn't trick or treating! Cali is such a mama's girl sometimes. She just wanted to stick with me. So I gave her the candy to pass out and she had a hoot! She did a great job passing out candy! And everyone oohed and awwed at how cute she was in her Minney Mouse costume. Matthew was Ironman btw. They both looked so stinking cute! Anyway, last year was the first year we had ever attended a trunk or treat but this year was the first year we had participated in a trunk or treat... couple of downer things happened though... it started at 6:00 and went til 8:00 and we ran out of candy at 7:10... yikes! lol so I had to embarrassingly tell people that I was out of candy as we took down our decorations. Once we got all closed up though then Jimmie and I took the kids and we walked around and saw everybody else's trunks and some of the other churches set up. So that was a wonderful way to end the evening. When we got back to our car to go home, the battery was dead so the car next to us gave us a jump (I never go anywhere without my jumper cables thank goodness!).
We had to get home and scrub the red hairsray out of Matthew's hair because today is picture day. He wanted to wear his fancy clothes, which is his Easter outfit, dress pants, dress shirt, and a fancy vest. He looked quite dapper this morning! what a hambone!
well anyway that's about it for now... Happy November!
oops, how rude of me... I should share how I learned my new trick... I was amazed how easy it is... here's a link to a tutorial: After the Jump Summaries
2 weeks ago
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