
Top 10 signs I’m a busy mommy who is getting older by the minute…

1. I dragged my whole family to a meeting one week early while missing an actual scheduled appointment that same day.
2. I unknowingly filed away an income tax return check with my pay check stubs and only found the check the day after I called the revenue cabinet to report my check missing.
3. I brought drinks to t-ball on the wrong night and didn’t bring drinks the week before when we were actually assigned.
4. I paid one bill twice while meaning to pay a different bill, only realizing it when the people I didn’t pay called to ask where their payment is.
5. My little girl arrived at daycare with her shoes on the wrong feet and powdered donut sugar all over her mouth mingled with snot from her runny nose.
6. Work started a ½ hour earlier one day last week and I completely forgot about that fact until I arrived at work, yup, a ½ hour late.
7. When I sit down in the evenings to watch television after bathing the kids, reading them stories, and putting them to bed I fall fast asleep within minutes and sometimes don’t wake up until like 2am and crawl to bed.
8. I go to the tanning bed mostly because it’s the only place I know that I can lie motionless for 20 minutes of peace and quiet during the day.
9. I can’t remember when the last time it was that I slept til noon, something I used to regularly enjoy doing every Saturday. I’m not sure I would even feel right doing that now.
10. I have not yet seen the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie – I saw the other 3 within a few days of their debut in the theater.
Oi vey… I need a vacation… Carnival take me away!

1 comment:

Mandalynn said...

LOL, Yep, I can TOTALLY relate to all of those!! LOl These are the things no one else can tell you or warn you about until it happens to you!! LOL I like to say I was a great parent...before I had kids!! LOL

But, these are also all blessings!! :) Like my Mt Washmore, a snapshot of what season of life you're in :)

And, Little Girl is so stinkin sweet, no one noticed the powdered sugar snot, I'm sure!! LOL :)