Kids really do say the darnedest things… here’s a few snip-its of conversations I’ve had around our house recently….
While watching a movie Matthew said mommy we need a big tv that will fill the whole wall above the fireplace… I’m thinking, honey child, you are watching a movie on a blue ray disc player on a 42 inch flat screen television. When I was your age, we didn’t even have a VCR (we got our first VCR in 1986 - I was 16- free with the purchase a Ford Taurus). Before that we watched 3 channels (occassionally a few other channels, if we were lucky!), on a 25 inch console television, that you had to manually change channels and depending on antenna reception whether it was in color or not! Wow that makes me sound old lol….
Yesterday, baby A was climbing up into my lap and cuddling with me and I told her that her mother had better start visiting her soon or I was going to be in trouble. Matthew asked me why I would be in trouble. I told him because I am falling in love with a baby that isn’t mine. He told me, Mommy, it’s ok if you love A but her mommy loves her more. I said Matthew, how did you get so wise. You are a smart little boy. He said, I know it.
Cali tells me a lot that baby A is not home. I try to explain to the littles as best I can that we are just keeping baby A for a little while because her mommy is sick and when and if she gets better, baby A will go home to her mommy. Cali likes to pray for baby A’s mommy. It’s very sweet.
My baby Cali Girl is growing up… she’s definitely lost that baby look and her little chicken legs are getting so long. Her hair is growing too and this past weekend she had me put it in a ponytail just at the nape of her neck and sometimes to the side… man that really made her look that much older! She would say, do I look prettiful…. So sweet…
I watched Mama Mia again Saturday night and got completely choked up when Meryl Streep and the girl who played her daughter were getting her ready for her wedding… the song they sang… oh goodness… it was just precious and now that I have a daughter (I say it out loud every once in a while because it’s kind of surreal, I have a daughter and I have a son!) but anyway the song was about how quickly time passes really… slipping through my fingers all the time… I keep telling Cali I want to bottle her up at the age she is right now so I can cuddle her forever...
I am thoroughly and completely enjoying being a mom. Sometimes I play the what if and why didn’t we do it earlier game but I stop that right in its tracks because it’s really all God’s timing. He’s grown me in to the person I am right this minute; He’s definitely still growing me!
Anyway… just a quicky post to brag about my children… life is so much fun right now! Feeling so blessed!
1 week ago
1 comment:
Love those conversations...they are so precious! We have tried to push on Gracie's head and feet to smoosh her small doesn't work. LOL
The picture you sent of Cali in her cheer outfit...oh my lanta! She is looking so grown up! Make it stop! Make it stop!!!
Love you Sister!!!!
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