I cannot believe I haven’t posted since March 2013… well yes I can actually. 2014 was quite the whirlwind from which I am still catching my breath.
It is humorous to me that my last post recapped all the critter population explosion at our house and then a few days later, an 11 year old girl, 9 year old girl, and a 6 year old boy graced us with their brief presence in our lives. From March until the end of September we were a family of 8… no I didn’t miscount, because in May of 2013 Jimmie’s mom also joined our happy homestead, relocating from Alabama with nowhere else to go, so she lived in our camper until August. I was really worried about living with my mother in law who I hadn't really seen in 15 years but that all worked out quite well and has actually been a very good thing for everyone. She has an apartment not far from us now and comes around our place and helps out quite a bit. Somewhere in the middle, Matthew and Cali have taking off to growing like weeds and personalities blossoming to boot. Cali not only played t-ball very well, but also soccer. Matthew played t-ball, went to soccer camp, played soccer, joined cub scouts, and was in his first actual play. The older girls went to dance class and church camp and a camp for foster kids. They also assisted me at work a few times. They were exceptionally helpful in boosting Cali’s self esteem as well. And the other little guy Matthew’s age also played t-ball and went to soccer camp. We were awfully sad to see them all go. We worked in a whole lot of camping trips here and there as well. Our chickies started laying eggs, I found the first one and we all hooted and hollered. Jimmie's mom brought 8 chickens with her and added them to our roost. Now we get almost 30 eggs every day and sell them or give them away almost faster than the chickens can lay them. A good friend also gave us a beautiful rooster named Chester. He is a sweety ole boy and seems very happy. 2013 was an excellent year and I almost think the house might be too quiet. We are looking forward to 2014 and what adventures we might find there!
1 week ago
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