Our family is on the grow…
The population has exploded at our house. It all began a few months ago when our beloved Chaos passed away, kind of suddenly. We had noticed that he wasn’t feeling well and then one Sunday right before we walked out the door to go to a birthday party, Jimmie came in the house and told me Chaos was dead. I thought he was telling me that Chaos got loose (we had to keep him tied up so he didn’t chase cows). But no, he was dead. I didn’t expect my reaction. I cried on and off the rest of the day and have been awful jittery waiting for more bad news ever since. We went to the birthday party and when we came home our family had a little funeral and we buried our sweet doggie. We all said a prayer and a favorite memory and put paper flowers in the ground with him.
Because we were worried about Trinity (we’ve had he and his sister since they were itty bitties) becoming too lonely without her brother who she has had with her all her life, we began to search online for husky puppies. I found a litter at an animal shelter in Indiana so one Sunday we drove up to meet the puppies and to bring one home but instead we fell in love with 2 sweet girls, both husky mix. We were able to bring Lacie Jane home that day and just this past Saturday Angel came home as well.
Lacie is… where do I start. We had dogs when I was growing up, very few of which I got attached to and while I would say I prefer dogs over cats, I’ve just never been one to love on any animal all that much and eww @ house dogs, just eww. Until Lacie Jane. In our life together, all of our dogs have faithfully followed Jimmie wherever he went whenever he called, they have been his dogs. Lacie is my dog. She follows me everywhere and if Jimmie is calling her she ignores him and I eventually have to go direct her to wherever he is trying to direct her to go. It is the weirdest thing. She is an indoor dog. She is potty trained. She stands still in the bath. Best I can figure someone is missing her because she was obviously very well cared for and trained. She had only been at the animal shelter for a few days before we showed up there. She had been found in front of a hardware store and brought to the shelter by a volunteer who had put up flyers but no one claimed her. I am so happy to have found her but she is definitely different from any doggie we have ever owned. Love her. She obviously prefers women/girls because she also clings to Cali, who adores her and hugs her. Lacie has been very good for Cali as well.
Angel is also a very well behaved sweet girl. I think she is going to be Matthew’s dog. He played outside with her for hours last night… so sweet… Jimmie was just telling me that Matthew was running with Angel, who is on a leash, and at one point Angel took off and Matthew went flying through the air like superman. But he just got up and belly laughed and started running some more.
Sorry… blah blah blah… pets… I know right? Something weird is happening to me… lol
Ok now for the real population explosion… so to recap the count of beings at our house… that is 4 people, 3 dogs, 1 cat and now…. 24 baby chicks plus a rooster on its way whenever we get the chicken coop complete… yes folks, we have chickens! I asked Jimmie the other day, at what point can we call ourselves farmers? Lol he said just wait til the cows start showing up… oh man…
We have always thought about having chickens, I actually really like hearing the cluck cluck of them, but we knew that that would drive Chaos crazy and it would be even harder to keep him contained because he would want to be getting the chickens. So when he died we thought well now we can have chickens, and so the coop began to go up and just last week Jimmie brought home our first baby chicks. Fun times abound at our house for real!
I actually am very content with our crazy life at the moment and like all the critters we are adding to our abode. This is a very happy time in my life. I LOVE being a mommy so incredibly much and am so proud of my Chewy Lee and Cali Girl and all the growing up they are doing. They are such good kids really. I mean, yes they get on my nerves, yes they fuss and fight and yes they constantly get in trouble but they are really good kids. They are cuddly, they are thoughtful, they are helpful, they are sarcastic, they are funny, they are imaginative, they are creative, they are giggly, they are obedient a lot more than not, they are stubborn, they are loud, they are silly, they are my babies, and I love them so incredibly much. They are both signed up for t-ball. I have my doubts about how well Cali will do as far as going out in front of a bunch of people and hitting a ball but I am going to be her biggest cheerleader and I have high hopes that she will amaze me! I cannot wait to be proud of her and her big girl steps!
So anyway, that is a little snippet of what is going on at our house these days… still waiting for more littles to come through our door. We have gotten calls but for various reasons, it just wasn’t right… but we are still holding out hope. But for this moment, I just feel so incredibly blessed beyond anything I deserve and am so completely happy and content with life and family… wonderful feeling!
1 week ago
So awesome! I envy your little spot of heaven down there in Kentucky, a bit :)
Love you!!
Ha I posted this 4 days before 3 more wonderful kiddos came to live with us for a while! Life is full of many surprises just around the bend
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