So I listened to Focus on the Family at lunch time. Wow!
What a wonderful comfirmation that Jimmie and I are on the path we were meant to be on. They were speaking with a foster/adopt couple (that just means they signed to be both) about their adoption journey. One of the things the lady said, about a particularly tought part of their journey where they had to make that hard decision to let a child go to another home, was that people were telling them that maybe this was not "of God" and her response was that when you are following God's call this does not guarantee that the journey won't be tough. If you are called by God to do something, and foster/adopt is absolutely a calling, you are not guaranteed there won't be challenges. But the neat thing is finding God in the midst of those challenges.
Anyway, it was very cool to listen to some of the same things that have happened to us in our journey and to be reminded how much social workers need our prayers. They make decisions every day that effect the safety and wellfare of our most vunerable children. When they make the call to a foster parent, they are having to be sure that that child will be a right fit for that family otherwise they will be calling for placement for that some child all over again. And we as foster parents are constantly asked to give up control of our lives to serve the calling. The couple that was speaking on Focus on the Family got a call one night at 8:00 p.m. and they had 15 mintues to decide if they wanted to pick up a baby at the hospital the next morning that they could most likely adopt. They had only recently adopted a small son and here they were having to face a life changing decision and they had to hurry up and make it! They picked up their daughter the next morning at the hospital.
Here's a link to the program on Focus on the Family... Bringing New Hope to Kids Through Adoption, Part 1
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
Amazing :) That's what I think of you :) So proud of you & your courage to follow through with your calling :) Some don't answer it...
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